how to create backlink to your site

Creating backlinks can be time consuming and seriously tedious and boring, but you have to do it. Aside from my previous article on How to Create Backlinks, Here are list of things you can do to build more backlinks!
first u have to 
Article Marketing - add your link with keyword anchor text in your resource box. Distribute articles to tons of directories, for tons of backlinks.
Forum Posts - add your link with keyword anchor text in your sig file.
Blog Comments - keyword in the "name" area, and then your url. (will create a hot link with anchor text).
Comments at Ezine Articles - this one just occurred to me recently. I checked the source code and they do not appear to use the "no follow" attribute, so Google should count these links. You may even get traffic from these too. I just enter my main keyword, and add a relevant comment to the article. I use this like I would a blog comment with my keyword in the name area and then my url. You have to wait for EZA to approve your comment, but it's worth it.
Set up Google Alert for keywords - each time I set up a new site I also set up a Google alert for the keyword. I only choose to get alerts from blogs. Now each time someone posts a blog on my keyword I know about it and can get over there and add a comment.
Build free Blogs - build a blog at, blogger, tumblr or wherever. You can do this blog on a related topic and add your site in the blogroll. This will give you a link for each page you publish on this blog. I use PLR for these blogs, and just change up the articles a little bit so they are more original. You can also add links within the articles to your blog for added links.
great for posting your link to other blog or website and get backlink.I didn't build these blogs expecting to get traffic from them, but I quickly started receiving traffic via the wordpress search function. So make sure your content is at least decent and you may find yourself getting more traffic as well as backlinks.